Lily Bryant
New Zealand

Fall 2024, Tennis

Personal Profile

Name: Lily Bryant
D.O.B: 02/03/2006
Residence: NSW, Australia
Height: 5’8
Sex: Female

Academic Profile

High School: Christchurch Girls High School
Graduation Date: December, 2023
Subjects and Grades:
Biology: C, Culinary: B, English: B, Statistics: B, P.E: B

SAT: Not yet taken

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Athletic Profile

  • UTR Ranking (Current)

    National Women’s Ranking (New Zealand)

  • Team Selections:

    South Island Secondary Schools Team

    Top Tournament Finishes:

    TCR Junior Elite Singles - Won

    TKHP Junior Lawn Championships - Won

    Elevate Waitangi Championships - Runner Up

    U/14 New Zealand Nationals - Doubles Winner

    Strongest Players Beaten:

    Isabella Van Dooren - NZ Ranking 250

    Marija Filipovic - NZ Ranking 220

About Lily

Why do you want to compete in college?
I want to compete in college to enhance my tennis career while using it as a way to earn a valuable degree.

What do you want to study?
Sport Science

Tell us 5 words that best describe you as an athlete:
Determined, hardworking, resilient, driven, disciplined

Tell us 5 words that best describe you as a person:
Thoughtful, reliable, passionate, caring, humble

What is your best memory from tennis?
Winning the TCR Junior Elite Singles
